Korea TESOL Journal
Volume 19, Number 1
Table of Contents
William Littlewood
— Writing and Reading: A Joint Journey Through Ideas (p. 3)
Jack Arkell
— Assessing the Effectiveness of Flashcard Applications in Korean University EFL Classrooms (p. 17)
Lynsey Mori & Panachanok Chanwaiwit
— SELVES: Social Emotional Learning Virtual Exchanges (p, 37)
SuSie Park
— Perspectives of Korean Parents on NESTs and NNESTs (p. 59)
Chen Sun
— English Curriculum Report of a Chinese Teacher Training University (p. 87)
M. Faruq Ubaidillah, Erna Andriyanti, & Anita Triastuti
— (Un)silencing the Silenced: Understanding EFL Teacher Identity from the Three-Dimensional Space of Narrative Inquiry (p. 103)
Brett Pierce
— Digital Storytelling: A Dynamic Portal into Student Engagement and TESOL Content (p. 121)
Joel Patrick Henderson
— North Koreans in South Korea: Linguistic Differences and Marginalization (p. 131)
Cerise Louisa Andrews
— The Korean Wave Reaches the Shores of Global English: K-Words Enter the English Language Lexicon (p. 141)
BOOK Reviews
Heidi Vande Voort Nam
— Review of Cooperative Learning Through a Reflective Lens [By George M. Jacobs, Anita Lie, and Siti Mina Tamah] (p. 157)
KC Washington
— Review of Win Every Argument: The Art of Debating, Persuading, and Public Speaking [By Mehdi Hasan] (p. 159)
Jake Kimball
— Review of Engaging Language Learners in Contemporary Classrooms [By Sarah Mercer and Zoltan Dornyei] (p. 165)
Korea TESOL Ethical Standards for Research and Publication (p. 171)
General Information for Contributors (p. 183)