By Webeditor AsiaTEFL2020 on December 19, 2019 - 9:18pm | Reads | News

The AsiaTEFL 2020 Conference will be in Korea next June, and Korea TESOL is collaborating.
This benefits KOTESOL members!
ㅡ KOTESOL members may submit presentation proposals without AsiaTEFL membership.
ㅡ Discounted registration fees at AsiaTEFL member rates.
ㅡ Saturday-only registration opportunity..
KOTESOL encourages members to consider submitting a presentation proposal to the AsiaTEFL 2020 conference. (KOTESOL members need not pay the AsiaTEFL membership fee to present!)
Call for Proposals
.Presentation Proposal Submission Deadline: Extended to January 31, 2020
For more information on AsiaTEFL 2020 and proposal submission: HERE.