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Publication Date:
October 1, 2010
KOTESOL Proceedings 2009
Pursuing Professional Excellence in ELT
Proceedings of the 17th Annual KOTESOL International Conference
Seoul, Korea
October 24-25, 2009
- Finding Focus for Less-Than-Motivated Learners (John Daniel Marland and Holly-Lynn Hunsberger Marland)
- Creating an Interactive Atmosphere in the Collaborative ESL/EFL Classroom with Purposeful Seating Charts (Patrick Rates)
- Teaching English to Kindergarten Students in a Korean Kindergarten (Michael Drummond)
- Relationship Between Comprehensibility and Foreign Accent in EFL Speech (Huei-Chun Teng)
- Scaffolding in a Productive Skill Lesson (James Brawn)
- Creating Materials in a CALL Classroom: Students' Turn (Raymond Wong)
- Combating the Hegemony of English with Democratic Praxis (Barbara Waldern)
- Style and Substance in the EFL Classroom: Bridging Student and Teacher Perspectives at Korea University (Athena Pichay)
- Student Presentations in TOEIC Pedagogy (Paul Spijkerbosch and Bruce Lander)
- Children’s Literature as Comprehensible Input in the University Classroom (Adriane Geronimo)
- Exploitation of IT to Enhance Students’ Extensive Reading Skills: A Case Study of Fourth-Year Business English Major Students (Amporn Srisermbhok)
- Does Extensive Reading Always Assist TOEFL Scores? (David Williams)
- Making Sense of Surveys: Analyzing Likert Scale Data (David Leaper and Jeffrey Durand)
- Data: What It Is, How It Is Used, and Potential Problems (Shannon Tanghe)
- A Functional Analysis of Korean in the EFL Classroom (John McGaughey)
- Sensemaking in Higher Education (Sarah Louisa Birchley)
- Corpora: Valuable Teaching and Research Tools (Will Lingle)
- Comparing Teacher and Student Evaluations of Error (Sean Mahoney)
- The Minimal English Test: A Revised Version (Hideki Maki, Sarenqimuge, Juri Yoshimura, Yuki Makino, Megumi Hasebe, Kenichi Goto, Takane Ito, Yoko Yumoto, Satoshi Oku, Michiyo Hamasaki, Yukiko Ueda, Kosuke Nagasue, Hironobu Kasai, Takashi Munakata, and Jessica Dunton)
- Not Just a Commercial: Narrative That Demonstrates Communication Dynamics (Philip L. McCasland)
- Establishing Student Schemata in a Media-Based ESL/EFL Course (Patrick Rates)
- Coordinating a Curriculum-wide Vocabulary Program (Charles J. Anderson, Jeffrey Stewart, and Luke Fryer)
- On the Strength of L2 Lexical Knowledge (Atsushi Asai)