By Webeditor Publications on October 1, 2012 - 2:23pm | Reads | Publications

Publication Date:
October 1, 2002
The Korea TESOl Journal
Volume 5, Number 1 Fall/Winter 2002
- Interpreting conversational implicatures: A study of Korean learners of English (Jin Sook Lee)
- Teaching culture in the English as a foreign language classroom (Jean Kim)
- Looking at discontinuity in an Asian context (Linda Fitzgibbon)
- The problems of university EFL writing in Taiwan (Yueh-miao Chen)
- TOEFL preparation: What are our Korean students doing and why? (Michael Roberts)
- Needs analysis and ESP course content selection for Korean professors going overseas (Don Makarchuk)
- Institutionalizing innovation; Better addressing the ESL needs of graduate students and university staff (Bill Templer)
- Short Report: A profile of an E-mail-based discussion course and implications for EFL teachers (Michael K. Leung)
- Teaching English as an International Language - Sandra Lee McKay (Reviewed by Michael Duffy)
- Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (3rd ed.) - Marianne Celce-Murcia, Ed. (Reviewed by Kirsten B. Reitan)
- Methods and Approaches in Language Teaching (2nd Edition) - Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers (Reviewed by Trevor H. Gulliver)
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - Ronald Carter & David Nunan, Eds. (Reviewed by Roxanne Silvaniuk)
- Teaching Culture: Perspectives in Practice - Patrick R. Moran (Reviewed by Steve Garrigues)
- Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom - Zoltan Dornyei (Reviewed by Douglas P. Margolis)
- The Dynamics of the Language Classroom - Ian Tudor (Reviewed by Gerry Lassche)
- The Art of Non-Conversation: A Re-Examination of the Validity of the Oral Proficiency Interview - Marysia Johnson (Reviewed by David W. Dugas)
- Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners - Macmillan Education (Reviewed by David E. Shaffer)
- New idiom software: A comparison of IdioMagic 2002 and North American Idioms (Reviewed by David B. Kent)
- Fish Trek: An Adventure in Articles - Tom Cole (Reviewed by David D.I. Kim)