Busan June Chapter Meeting and Presentions

Saturday, June 22, 2019 - 15:00 to 17:00
HQ Gwangan Busan
South Korea

Chapter Presentation Meeting


3:00 ~ 4:00pm Lindsay Herron, KOTESOL National Membership Officer, Past KOTESOL National President

4:00 ~ 5:00pm Wayne Finley, KOTESOL VP of Publicity with Sunil Mahtani, Busan Chapter Vice President

The event is FREE, and KOTESOL membership is not required to attend.  We do ask that attendees purchase a drink or food to support our gracious host venue.


After the chapter meeting, there will be a gathering for dinner, TBA.

Chapter and Presentation Meeting, June 22 at HQ Gwangan:


Easy-to-Adapt Conversation Games: Some Basic Types to Take and Tweak

Are you looking for ways to encourage speaking in your English conversation class? This workshop can help! Participants will have the opportunity to experience a wide variety of games and game types, mostly drawn from the work of�Jill Hadfield. All are�communicative and�thus require students to�listen and speak for a� purpose, and all provide a strong, authentic(-ish), engaging�context for language use.�By the end of the workshop, attendees will be thinking more creatively about how to incorporate games into their classes and will have three to five basic structures that can be readily adapted to any lesson they teach.

The focus of the workshop will depend on attendees’ interest. Attendees can choose from among these game types:

• Guessing games, in which one or more players have information, and the other players try to guess it; �

• Search games or puzzle-solving games, in which players must talk with each other to gain information, and then use that information to solve a puzzle; �

• Matching games, in which players try to match corresponding� cards or information; �

• Matching-up games, in which players each have a different list of possibilities, and then �they use discussion and compromise to reach an agreement;�

• Exchanging and collecting games, in which players have certain items they can exchange with other players in order to complete a set;�

• Grouping games or combining activities, in which players use the given information to arrange themselves into a group;�

• Arranging or sequencing games, in which players must exchange information in order to arrange something in a particular order; and

• Nunchi games, which reward players for being “in tune” with each other.

The Presenter

Lindsay Herron has been a visiting professor at Gwangju National University of Education since 2008. Prior to that, she taught English on a Fulbright grant at a boys’ high school in Jeju-do. She is currently working on a doctorate in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education (LCLE) at Indiana University—Bloomington (USA), where she also received a master’s in the field. She has a master’s in cinema studies from New York University (USA), bachelor’s degrees in English and psychology from Swarthmore College (Pennsylvania, USA), a CELTA, and the CELTA YL Extension. She is the immediate past president of KOTESOL and chair of the national Membership Committee.


Building Connections in the Digital Age


Educators all over the world are revolutionizing their classrooms with groundbreaking new technologies. Augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality…or simply Kahoot, Quizlet and Google Classroom. As we head ever closer to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, scholars like Scott Thornbury will continue to ask if such innovations will be the death of us. English Language Teacher: now available on the App store. Fortunately, there’s one thing we have that A.I. does not have and may not ever have. The power of human connection!

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” Walk into any inspirational teacher’s classroom and you’ll find your feet moving along the same bedrock: connection. Rapport. An electric bond between teacher and student. O Captain, My Captain! The atmosphere is charged; this is not just an English classroom, but a moment in time. A time those students will remember long after the digital age has ended, and the experience age has begun.

Join us on June 22 to unlock the secrets to building real connection!


In 2011, Wayne Finley was teaching just around the corner from Haeundae Beach at a children’s academy in Jangsan. Eight years on and he is now a highly accomplished educator. As the lead facilitator for KOTESOL’s teacher training division (KTT), he has delivered numerous popular presentations all across the peninsula. Last year culminated in his first TEDx talk: Beware the Work Martyr. Wayne’s other passion is publicizing KOTESOL and he can be regularly seen setting up cameras, promoting events on YouTube videos or writing articles for Korean newspapers and magazines.