Webeditor Seoul
Saturday, November 17, 2012 - 15:00 to 17:00
Sookmyung Women's University, Injaegwan
South Korea
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Fresh Ideas for the Classroom
Need a boost in your teaching?
is for you! We’ll walk through a compilation of educational research and principles from veteran
teachers that are easy to overlook. Join us and you’ll walk away with a sizeable chunk of practical tools
of the trade. Most material applies to all K-12 levels.
We will cover the following (time permitting):
- Students not motivated or participating? Then this workshop
- An Effective Teaching checklist - SIOP
- Lessons from the CELTA Teacher Program
- Discipline Advice from an ex-United States Marine
- Intrinsic Motivators compiled by Carleton College
- Teaching Principles from the U.S. Air Force
- Plus Feedback Strategies, Games of Competence, NLP, and more: time permitting.
Spencer Rains is set on uncovering what makes students tick, and how to change their lives for years to
come. He is eager to join the revolution in student-centered, whole-child education. He brings to the
table a CELTA certificate, and teaching experience from the USA since 2008. He teaches speaking and
listening at Seongil High School in Seongnam, where he learns as much as the students.
When you’re passionate about the subject, the rest is easy!-Train the Trainers Guide, U.S. Air Force