For our June 14th chapter workshop we are pleased to welcome Lara Kurth and Yunju Choi to teach us about “Culture Bumps” and how to use them in the classroom. The workshop will be held at Jeonju University in Truth Hall, starting at 2:45. At the end of the workshop we would like to hold a “swap shop” where teachers can offer ideas or activities they have used in their classes. Please bring an idea to share.
Culture Bumps for Language and Culture Learning
A small instance of misunderstanding can be a concrete starting point for developing awareness, knowledge and skills related to cross-cultural, interpersonal communication. As such, “culture bumps” can be a fruitful tool for language and culture learning in the classroom. This workshop aims to answer the questions, “What is a culture bump?” and “How might workshop participants use culture bumps in their own language courses?” A framework for guiding linguistic and cultural exploration will facilitate the workshop discussion and be provided on a handout along with further materials and references. Discussion of additional questions regarding English as an International Language (EIL) content and teaching approach will be encouraged as part of the workshop.
Yunju Choi is an EFL teacher who has taught English to Korean learners of all levels of proficiency. She is interested in teaching culture in a language classroom, World Englishes, communicative language teaching and teacher training. She can be reached at attegu94@gmail.com.
Lara Kurth is currently an assistant professor at Seoul National University of Science and Technology’s Institute for Language Education and Research. Her professional interests include reflective practice, cross-cultural communication, and English as an International Language. She can be reached at larakurth@gmail.com.