2013 KOTESOL International Conference Videos
Recorded presentations from the 2013 KOTESOL International Conference held at Sookmyung Women's University in Seoul.
Videos are listed here in chronological order with the latest releases at the top.
Dr. Jihyeon Jeon - English for Global Communication
Dr. Annamaria Pinter - Children as Co-investigators
Dr. Graham Crookes - Philosophies and Critical Language Pedagogy
Dr. Lillian L.C. Wong - Innovation and Change
Dr. Beverley Burkett - The Role of Reflection
Bill Littlewood - Developing Principles and Strategies for CLT
Dr. Charles Browne - Maximizing Vocabulary Development
Dr. Curtis Kelly - Solving Problems with Neuroscience
Dr. Jun Liu - Language Teachers Should Be Researchers
Dr. Gabriel Diaz Maggioli - Teacher Education at the Crossroads
Dr. Willy A. Renandya - Strategies That Really Work (Featured Presentation)
Dr. Dick Allwright - Theorising "Down" Instead of "Up" (Plenary)
Dr. Sue Garton - Dealing with the Transition (Featured Presentation)
Dr. Gabriel Diaz Maggioli - I'm Still Here! (Pecha Kucha)
Dr. Curtis Kelly - "I Deal in Drugs!" (Pecha Kucha)
Bill Littlewood - "Don't You Want to Shake Hands?" (Pecha Kucha)
Dr. Sue Garton - Ten Good Reasons (Pecha Kucha)
Dr. Jun Liu - From ESL Student to TESOL Professional: My Journey (Pecha Kucha)
Dr. Charles Browne - Corpus Linguistics for Dummies (Pecha Kucha)
More to follow! Please check back often as more videos are released!