The Use of Multimodalities in an English Picture Books and Oral Training Course

Tsung-hua Yang (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan)


This session is a study involving 21 students enrolled in an elective course called English Picture Books and Oral Training that I previously taught at a vocational university. Vocational university students usually lack confidence in English and have less interest in English classes. Therefore, I offered this course in an attempt to enhance students’ interest in learning and practicing English by incorporating multimodal pedagogy into my class. The session consists of four parts. In the first part, I introduce the theories of multimodality, studying the pros and cons of using multimodal pedagogy in English teaching. The second explains how I applied multimodalities to my teaching by discussing assignments and activities designed for the course. In the third, I analyze students’ performance and feedback on the course’s use of multimodal methods, evaluating its effectiveness. In the concluding part, I reflect on my use of multimodalities, further providing suggestions, mentioning limitations, and exploring other aspects of multimodal teaching.

Research Paper (Video; 25 minutes)

Multiliteracies / Multimodality

Primarily of interest to teachers of university students

About the Presenter

Tsung-hua Yang received his PhD in literature at National Taiwan Normal University in 2018. He previously taught at the language center of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology and is currently an assistant professor teaching at the language center of National Dong Hwa University. His fields of interest include contemporary English and American literature, literary theories, and English teaching.