Gender Disparity in Expat English Teacher Well-Being: Insights From Occupational Well-Being Research

Valencia Epps (Mokpo National University, Korea)



While many expatriates are teaching English in Asia, recent studies revealed a concerning disparity in occupational well-being between female and male foreign English teachers. Occupational well-being has received increased attention in the field of ELT because of its association with positive outcomes for individuals and workplaces. However, well-being research in other fields indicates that gender gaps are generally not significant unless there are systemic issues involved. Therefore, in order to lessen this gap, it is imperative that it is first understood. This poster presentation comes from an ethnographic study aiming to provide a deeper understanding of this occupational well-being gap among expats. In this presentation, I will provide evidence for this gap and consider possible causes for it based on prior occupational well-being research, such as collegiality in workplaces, power differences, and sexual discrimination. Due to the high demand for English teaching positions in Asia, maintaining experienced, qualified, and satisfied teachers is imperative to improving pedagogical outcomes. This project is anticipated to provide insightful, practical information from the voices of participants, which is crucial to alleviate this issue.

Poster (In person; 50 minutes)

Social Justice Issues

General Interest

About the Presenter

Valencia Epps has a master’s degree in elementary education from Mississippi State University and is a 2024/2025 Fulbright Research Grant recipient. Her Fulbright research project involves investigating well-being and collaboration among English language co-teachers in Asia.