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National Conference 2014 Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent presentation sessions are the heart of any conference.
Following is a preliminary listing of concurrent session presenters and session titles accepted for the KOTESOL 2014 National Conference at Global Plaza in Daegu, May 31st. Find a PDF of presentation abstracts and presenter's biographic sketches here -
- Research Grant Awards (Introducing Winning Proposals)
- Thomas S. Avery Wiring EFL Students into Online English Communities
- Lee Babin Campfire English: Storytelling in Conversation Classes
- Dr. Wayne Bottiger Phonological Rules in Korean L2 Pronunciation
- Daniel Brown Deadway - A Post-Apocalyptic Classroom Role-Playing Game
- Hyesun Cho TESOL Teachers' Perceptions of Critical Literacy
- Karen Choi College Counseling for International Students
- Mike Conery Motivation in the Foreign Language Classroom
- James Robert Garner Using Genre-Based Writing Tasks in the Korean Classroom
- Nigel Gearing Seeing It from the Other Side: One ESL Professor's Experience
- Michael Griffin You Are Doing It Wrong. Maybe.
- Michael Griffin Is South Korea Really in the Post-Method Era?
- Sarah Gu Imagining Extensive Speaking for EFL
- Akil Hadid Concerns faced by beginning foreign TESOLers in Korea
- Yu Jung Han Successfully Flipping the Classroom in the ELT Setting
- Anthony Hanf Resourcing Authentic Language in Television Series
- Melissa Harris Improving Group Dynamics via Cooperative Learning Principles
- Min Gi Hong How to Approach to Korean Adult Learners' Language Anxiety
- Melanie Johnson Advanced Motivation (for your students,and, hopefully, you.)
- Kaj Kangas Using Tests to Get Students Making More Natural Dialogues
- Akasha C. Kanter The Use of the CLT Method in a Korean Elementary Textbook
- Craig Lambert Communication Tasks and Classroom Motivation
- Yong Jik Lee Collaborative Teaching Between NESTs and NNESTs
- Tiev Miller ESP: Framework and Course Design
- Emmy J. Min A Case of Online TESOL Master's Program
- Kyla Mitsunaga Inspire + Be Inspired: How to NOT Bore Your Students (!)
- Kenneth H. Moore Responding to Student Writing: Techniques and Priorities
- Lee Mordell Learning Lexis as Phrasal Units and the Scrap Paper Approach
- Jumjim Ngowananchai B-SLIM Model as an English Teaching Model in Thailand
- Leonie Overbeek The Fallacy of Fun
- William Owens Expert and Nonexpert Teachers' Approaches to Problem-Solving
- Glen Penrod Helping Students Understand and Use Action/Status Verb Pairs
- Olga M Peters Classroom Application of Natural Approach to ESL Studies
- Parker Rader Bilingual Approaches for NESTs in Monolingual EFL Contexts
- Spencer Rains Would They Say That? Comprehension Activities for Dialogues
- Eric Reynolds, Ph.D. K-POP Goes Your Classroom
- Laurie Schulte University Conversation Curriculum: Student Perceptions
- Brad Serl Why Can't My Students Communicate?
- Dr. David E. Shaffer Making Interaction Key to Self-Directed Learning Projects
- Dr. David E. Shaffer English-based Loanword Bias in Korea: Its Source and Effect
- Suet Yet Tam Teaching Online Reading Using the 4C/ID Model
- Su Hwi Tan Individualised Learning in an International Context
- Tory S. Thorkelson, M.Ed. Leadership IQ: How to Develop and Improve Your Leadership
- Peter Thwaites Collaborative Writing - What, Why, and How
- Kimberly Vinall; Jaran Shin Developing Critical Cultural Awareness in ELT Contexts
- Barry Welsh Blogging and Metacognitive Awareness of Writing Strategies
Reflective Practice SIG track
- Nina Iscovitz The Challenge of Description: Strategies for seeing through the cloud of emotion
- Christopher Miller Journaling for Professional Growth: Justification and Potential Avenues
(updated May 27, 2014)
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