Bio's - Speakers
1. Brock Brady - Plenary Speaker

Plant Teacher Communities of Practice – Harvest Personal Satisfaction and Professional Growth
Communities of Practice form the foundation of teacher professional development. Communities of Practice (CoPs) are spaces where people in a trade or profession can “talk shop.” In some fields, CoPs happen naturally on the job. However, teachers do not practice their craft alongside other teachers; they practice it in a room full of students. Teachers must consciously build CoPs.
Teachers who participate in Communities of Practice rarely experience burnout or fall into...
1. Glenn Stockwell - Plenary Speaker

Technology and Motivation in English Language Teaching and Learning
Advances in technology have made it easier for teachers and learners of English to access a wide range of resources in terms of authentic input and communication with native and nonnative speakers of English around the world. From the early days of computer-assisted language learning (CALL), there has been discussion of how technologies can play a role in motivating learners in learning a language (e.g., Warschauer, 1998), and as technologies have become more sophisticated, the growing range of uses...
1. JOINT PLENARY SESSION Mike Levy and Glenn Stockwell
Archive Copy.Mobile Language Learning: Turning Challenges into Opportunities
While mobile language learning is not in itself new, it is true to say there has been a coming of age in recent years. The current crop of technologies, such as smart phones and tablet computers offer more capable mobile options, with the potential, arguably, to lead to effective, pedagogically valid language learning activities. In particular, with the enormous number of apps available for phone users, the road would seem to be clear for widespread uptake by language learners who now can use their own...
1. Mike Levy - Plenary Speaker

Towards a Podcasting Pedagogy: Recent Developments in CALL with a Focus on Listening
Digitized audio and video have made their way into all aspects of educational computing. On the Internet, streaming audio and video allow the learner access to a vast quantity of audio material of all kinds. Audio and video files may be stored, managed, and distributed using technologies such as iTunes/iTunesU and YouTube along with mobile phones. Listening materials may be manually or automatically downloaded to a computer or portable media players for later study and use through...
1. Scott Thornbury - Plenary Speaker

The Secret History of Methods
I am regularly asked “What’s the latest method,” suggesting that the concept of method persists, despite recent attempts to bury it (“The method concept is dead!”). Drawing on an extensive archive of language teaching textbooks, I will review the history of methods, and in so doing, will argue that the prescriptive concept of method is less useful than the descriptive concept of methodology, i.e., what teachers actually do, rather than what they are obliged to do.
I will also attempt to show that the history of methods is best...
2. Clara Lee Brown - Featured Speaker

Choose Content-Based Instruction
One cannot help noticing how far the field of language education has travelled from the tradition of grammar translation used for teaching Latin, but also how prevalent it still is today. Also, foreign language learning in the Middle Ages was limited to the privileged, but this is still the case in modern days. In Korea in 2012, KOTESOL is featuring content-based instruction as a main theme. Perhaps this means that something is changing in language education. In my session, I will argue for the necessity of a paradigm change in...
2. David Paul - Featured Speaker

Motivating Low-Level Students
How can we motivate university students and adults who have studied English for years, but still cannot really communicate, to express themselves more positively? How can we help teenagers to use the English they learn at school more actively and communicatively? This presentation introduces techniques for achieving these aims – aims that have been heavily influenced by the constructivist ideas of George Kelly and Lev Vygotsky and have been successfully tried and tested in the classroom by many teachers.
The approach is based on...
2. Frank Boers - Featured Speaker

Applications of Cognitive Linguistics to L2 Pedagogy
The pace at which new L2 words, expressions, and patterns are acquired is influenced by the degree of engagement with them on the part of the learner. Several researchers with a Cognitive Linguistics (CL) background have, since the 1990s, proposed ways of exploiting non-arbitrary aspects of language as stimuli for such engagement. In my talk, I will first illustrate these proposals. Examples range from ways of helping learners appreciate how abstract word meanings (e.g., beyond in Why she got married to him is...
2. Fredricka Stoller - Featured Speaker

Moving Students Toward a Perfect Score with Project-Based Learning
Project-based learning has been billed as an effective means for promoting purposeful language learning for well over two decades in ESL and EFL settings. During this time, projects have been successfully incorporated into language classrooms with young, adolescent, and adult learners, as well as classrooms with general, vocational, academic, and specific language aims. Project work has proven to be an ideal complement to more traditional language instruction. Reported benefits include improved...
2. Ken Wilson - Featured Speaker

Ten Quotations to Make You Think
Teachers often quote the words of wise folk to support their ideas and opinions, usually from within the world of education. I find it useful to go outside our specialized world for words of wisdom that can genuinely make us all think about how we teach. When you reflect on quotations like these, they often prove to have more meaning that you originally thought.
For example, Mark Twain: I never let my schooling interfere with my education. A mildly amusing remark, but if we take it seriously for a moment, what does it tell us?...
2. Kyungsook Yeum - Featured Speaker
Leadership and Quality in ELT Organizations
How can we contribute to shaping a successful, knowledge-sharing organizational culture? In other words, how can teachers and administrators in any ELT organization improve their leadership IQs for a program’s success? These questions will be discussed and their answers exemplified through leadership models, a leadership and climate survey, and practical activities.
Extensive work has been done on leadership and management in general, but the discussion on leadership in ELT organizations is still sparse. Recent...
2. Neil Anderson - Featured Speaker

Engaging in Motivational Teaching Practices to Achieve a Perfect Score
Teachers play a powerful role in motivating learners in their classrooms. In order to engage in effective motivational teaching practices, each teacher must embark on a journey towards excellence. This session will present the results of research conducted in Guatemala and in the United States that report on teacher journeys to achieve a perfect score.
This featured speaker session will focus on ways that teachers can weave motivational moments into their teaching. Research by Guilloteaux...
2. Rob Waring - Featured Speaker

Extensive Reading in Korea: 10 Years Going from Strength to Strength
This session will review the developing awareness of Extensive Reading (ER) in Korea in the last few years. It will show how awareness of the concept of ER has grown but is still sadly misunderstood in many quarters despite important gains. The session reviews the development of Korea-based ER organizations such as KOTESOL’s ER-SIG and the Korean English Extensive Reading Association (KEERA), and their contributions to the development of ER on the Korean Peninsula.
The case for ER in Korea...
3. FEATURED COLLOQUIUM David Nunan, Martha Clark Cummings, Ken Beatty, Denise Murray, MaryAnn Christison

Moving to Online Instruction: The Challenges and Opportunities
David Nunan will be moderating in person this webcast colloquium.
All teacher educators will be faced with the imperative to teach online, at some stage in their career. The online teaching may supplement one, or more face-to-face classes, or may replace face-to-face instruction, entirely. While some skills will transfer from face-to-face to online, environments, most will not. They will either have to be transformed or, replaced entirely. In this colloquium, teacher educators with extensive...