Membership Perk: Promote your personal small business
Are you an artisan or entrepreneur? If so, you can reach out to your KOTESOL compatriots, compliments of KOTESOL! Current KOTESOL members can apply for FREE booth space for up to one day at the KOTESOL International Conference or place up to three ads per year in KOTESOL News, our monthly email newsletter with 2,000 subscribers. (We recommend including a discount for KOTESOL members, if possible!)
For more information, please contact us at
By Webeditor Membership on February 28, 2024 - 8:12am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Perk: Discount on NELTA2024

KOTESOL members get a 50% discount on registration for the 2024 NELTA International Conference, hosted by our newest international partner, the Nepal English Language Teachers' Association (NELTA)! That's up to $100 in savings.
The 28th NELTA International Conference 2024
February 17-19, 2024
Rethinking ELT in Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Innovation
Lalitpur, Nepal
Note: Early bird registration closes on December 31, 2023.
By Webeditor Membership on December 1, 2023 - 8:05pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Perk: Discount on ESBB 2023 International TESOL Conference

KOTESOL is once again partnering with English Scholars Beyond Borders (ESBB) for the organization's annual International TESOL Conference. This year, the conference is hybrid, with sessions being held in person at Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) in Jakarta, Indonesia, as well as online via Zoom. As a special perk, KOTESOL members get a 20% discount on registration fees!
ESBB 2023 International TESOL Conference
November 15-16, 2023
(November 17: Indonesian Culture Day)
"Collaboration & Innovation in English Language & Literature Teaching"...
Membership Perk: Discount on JALT2023

KOTESOL members can register for JALT2023 for the same price as JALT members!
JALT2023: The 49th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition
"Growth Mindset in Language Education"
November 24-27, 2023
Tsukuba, Japan
Pre-registration closes October 31; register by the deadline for the best possible prices!
To register as a KOTESOL member and receive your discount, send an email to the JALT Central Office ( with the following information:
1) Name
Write your...
Membership Perk: Discount on iTDi Self-Study Courses
KOTESOL is pleased to announce a benefit for our members: a 50% discount on all Advanced Skills Self-Study courses offered by our friends at the International Teacher Development Institute (iTDi)! Taught by ELT luminaries and covering a diverse range of subjects, these online courses offer a chance to explore the topics that intrigue you at your own pace—and from anywhere you have internet access.
(Click HERE to receive your members-only discount code, valid through March 31, 2026; must be logged in to view the page.)
In addition, participants at the 32nd Korea TESOL...
By Webeditor Membership on April 24, 2023 - 8:29am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembers Social @KOTESOL2023

The popular membership social, last seen at the 2019 KOTESOL International Conference, is back! This year, the social will be held on Saturday, April 29, at the 30th Korea TESOL International Conference, and it will feature hors d'oeuvres provided by Spoon Seoul (vegan options available). Member tickets cost 10,000 KRW, and nonmember tickets cost 25,000 KRW. (Members are welcome to participate regardless of whether or not they're also attending the conference.)
A small number of tickets will be available for purchase at the Membership Desk during the conference, but interested...
By Webeditor Membership on April 7, 2023 - 8:34pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMember Discount: First Recipe Restaurant in Gwangju

KOTESOL members get 10% off at First Recipe restaurant in Gwangju! Enjoy wonderful, reasonably-priced food in an airy, comfortable environment conveniently located in the downtown area--all at a discount!
Membership Perk: 2023 AsiaTEFL Conference

KOTESOL is once again partnering with AsiaTEFL for the 2023 AsiaTEFL International Conference in Daejeon, and that means amazing opportunities for KOTESOL members!
KOTESOL members participating in the conference will receive:
A member discount on registration for in-person participation (pay the same price as AsiaTEFL members!) Preferential weekend scheduling for your presentation (if needed, upon request) 1-year AsiaTEFL membership! AND a portion of your registration fees come back to KOTESOL!
The 21st AsiaTEFL International Conference
Celebrating ELT in...
Join Our 2022 KOTESOL Connections Day!

All KOTESOL members are invited to attend our national KOTESOL Connections Day on Saturday, November 12, from 1-5:15 p.m.! At this event, members can discover KOTESOL's committees, learn about current projects, propose ideas for the coming year, and--most importantly--build connections to other members similarly interested in improving and contributing to our organization in personally meaningful ways. Take a look behind the scenes; make your voice heard; and discover how YOU can step up as a leader in KOTESOL!
Register by 11/10 to have your travel reimbursed (standard/economy class...
By Webeditor 2nd Vice-President on October 28, 2022 - 1:41pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Perk: Discount on ESBB Conference Registration

All KOTESOL members can participate in the English Scholars Beyond Borders conference in Vietnam for a discounted price, whether they choose to attend in person or online!
KOTESOL members are entitled to affiliate rates on registration fees, whether participating as an attendee or presenter, online or face-to-face.
English Scholars Beyond Borders
December 9-10
Ton Duc Thang University
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, & Online
Abstracts due November 12
Membership Survey 2022
In lieu of our usual membership survey, the KOTESOL Membership Committee is encouraging members and nonmembers alike to participate in an independent research survey by KOTESOL member Robert Dickey. The results of the research will help inform KOTESOL's policymaking and also contribute to better understandings of professional development organizations such as ours. You are invited and requested to share your thoughts on what KOTESOL is doing well... and less well.
Members and non-members are equally invited.
Why you are a member, or why your paid membership has lapsed. Or you...
By Webeditor Membership on September 26, 2022 - 12:41pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Perk: 1 Free Month of Education Perfect
KOTESOL members can enjoy a free month of access to Education Perfect's English & EAL subjects! Your complimentary 30-day subscription includes access to digital resources focusing on various language skills and grammar points, a selection of assessment tools, and the site's built-in learning-management options. Check it out today for inspiration and ideas—and to decide if the platform might be right for your own classes!
From Education Perfect:
The Education Perfect English Language programme provides comprehensive, engaging resources for A1-B2 English language learners...
By Webeditor Membership on June 28, 2022 - 9:15am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Perk: Discount on Bridge - Online Testing Summit

KOTESOL members receive ALL-ACCESS passes when they register using the special code (available on this member-only access webpage) for the Bridge online Testing Summit, courtesy of our friends at Bridge Education!
Here are details from Bridge:
Registration is now open for Bridge’s 3-day online virtual event -- English Language Testing: High Stakes for Learners & Teachers, April 26-28, 2022!
This Summit is an opportunity for global English teachers to connect with thought leaders, experts, and fellow educators in the online teaching space.
Click here to get...
By Webeditor Membership on April 17, 2022 - 5:40pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more2021 KOTESOL Membership Survey Sent

The 2021 KOTESOL Membership Survey was sent out the morning of October 23 to all current KOTESOL members. The survey was drafted by the Membership Committee with input from National Council members; it is intended to help the National Council better understand the diversity, experiences, preferences, and needs of KOTESOL members. Members' responses will help give the National Council a more in-depth perspective and inform their strategic planning and goals. The survey will be open through October 30.
If you're a current member, please take 15-20 minutes to complete the survey! ...
By Webeditor Membership on October 23, 2021 - 10:24am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Perk: Free Membership to Twinkl + Complimentary Resources

Twinkl highlights:
Over 1 million general educational resources and a collection of 1,000+ ESL resources for kids, teens, and adults Games, worksheets, lessons, flashcards, AI tools, and more A ready-to-go ESL curriculum for A1-A2 English supported by 600 interactive games Can't find what you need? We can make it for you!
To access a selection of complimentary Twinkl materials available to KOTESOL members or to...
By Webeditor Membership on September 16, 2021 - 4:56pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Perk: Lingua Attack Free for 1 Semester

KOTESOL members can subscribe their class, department, or entire school/university to Lingua Attack ( completely free for one semester/term!
Lingua Attack includes:
over 1,400 "Video Booster" lessons based on authentic video and searchable by CEFR level or grammar target; 340 thematic visual dictionaries; 20 video units for complete beginners; 33 video units to practice English for work and travel; and CEFR-aligned placement/assessment tests
Lingua Attack is available online or as an app, with the user interface in English or in Korean.
By Webeditor Membership on August 30, 2021 - 3:33pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Discount: "Wander Jeju on Foot" Guided Day Hikes

From the Jeju Olle Foundation:
The program is intended to familiarize first-time hikers with Jeju Olle Trail. While hiking specially selected sections, participants can obtain useful tips for exploring the trail and interesting information about Jeju Island from English-speaking gildongmu, experienced and trained trail mates affiliated with the Jeju Olle Foundation. [...] The...
By Webeditor Membership on May 30, 2021 - 9:25am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreWinners Announced for the We Love KOTESOL Giveaway!

The official drawing for the We Love KOTESOL Giveaway coordinated by the Membership Committee was held November 1. The following members won a complete set of KOTESOL branded items (a tumbler, water bottle, name-card case, 8GB USB, pocket notebook, ceramic mug, and lapel pin):
Da Som Choe Reece Randall David ShafferThe prize package is valued at nearly 50,000 won and includes free shipping anywhere in Korea. Congratulations to the winners! And if you didn't win, don't worry; you can purchase any of these items for yourself anytime (with free domestic shipping for KOTESOL...
By Webeditor Membership on November 1, 2020 - 7:36pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Perk: Discount on IATEFL Membership

Did you know KOTESOL is an IATEFL Associate? As such, all KOTESOL members are entitled to a massive discount on IATEFL membership, paying less than half the normal price (76 GBP --> 27 GBP)!
Why join IATEFL? Per IATEFL's website, membership benefits include the following:
"discounted rates at all IATEFL events, including the annual international conference discounts on a range of English language teaching magazines and journals from a wide range of publishers monthly eBulletin with information and news from the association IATEFL Voices, our bi-monthly publication, delivered... By Webeditor Membership on September 3, 2020 - 10:05am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreExclusive Benefits for KOTESOL Members at the Asia TEFL 2020 International Conference

Despondent over the postponement of the 2020 KOTESOL International Conference? Looking for a replacement that offers similar quality, camaraderie, style, and substance? We've got the perfect solution for you! KOTESOL has been working with Asia TEFL to create a mutually beneficial arrangement; per our agreement, KOTESOL members are entitled to the following benefits at the Asia TEFL 2020 International Conference (Nov. 27-29, online and in-person at KINTEX, Goyang, Gyeonggi-do):
Discounted registration (register for the same price as Asia TEFL members--a 50,000-won savings--... By Webeditor Membership on September 2, 2020 - 10:36am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreKOTESOL Announces New Partnership with Bridge Education Group

In an effort to increase the flexibility and range of professional development options available to our members, KOTESOL is collaborating with Bridge Education Group to offer extensive online PD opportunities! This new relationship means KOTESOL members can:
Earn co-branded KOTESOL-Bridge TEFL certificates (exclusively for KOTESOL members); Complete accredited, verifiable certification courses—including Bridge's IDELTOnline, which can serve as an MA TESOL pathway, with credits that transfer to select graduate programs; Showcase their accomplishments with KOTESOL-Bridge digital badges ... By Webeditor Membership on July 2, 2020 - 8:23am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Discount: 2020 TESOL International Virtual Convention & Expo

On July 16-18, TESOL International is hosting its first-ever Virtual Convention & Expo—and all KOTESOL members are invited to participate for the same discounted price as TESOL members: US$99 (a savings of US$49). Register here by July 12 to take advantage of this great discount!
About the conference, TESOL International says, "From the comfort of your home, office, or on the go, you’ll be able to:
Hear from engaging keynote presentations with live Q&A Gather new research, strategies, and tools from 100 sessions on English language learning and teaching Chat and... By Webeditor Membership on June 22, 2020 - 1:21pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMember Discount: iTDi Self-Study Courses

Looking for a way to fill your free time this semester? Missing your regular dose of professional development? We've got your back! Through May 31, KOTESOL members can get a 50% discount on all Advanced Skills Self-Study courses offered by our friends at the International Teacher Development Institute (iTDi)! Taught by ELT luminaries and covering a diverse range of subjects, these online courses offer a chance to explore the topics that intrigue you at your own pace—and from anywhere you have internet access. Watch the lectures in your pajamas; the instructors won't mind. And if you don't...
By Webeditor Membership on March 5, 2020 - 9:11am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Discount: JALT2019!

Our friends at JALT have shared a special offer for KOTESOL members: a discount on pre-registration fees for JALT2019! JALT's 45th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition will be held November 1-4, in Nagoya City, Aichi, Japan.
3-Day (Full) Conference Pass Discounted Rates for KOTESOL Members:
Early-Bird Registration (available through October 1): 21,000 yen (normally 25,000 yen for JALT non-members)
For instructions on how to receive the discount on JALT pre-registration fees, KOTESOL members should email...
By Webeditor Membership on September 13, 2019 - 5:29pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read morePrizes! Update Your Private Member Data!

Your personal information is private!
But KOTESOL uses members' sociodemographic information to help shape services and programs we offer.
Please update your User Profile on the website: your postal mailing address (listed under "Edit"; please do this even if you don't receive postal mail from us), education & qualifications, experience as a teacher, etc.
Two free one-year memberships will be awarded through a lottery to those who have completed/updated their profiles since June 20th. Competition ends Oct 21, 2019...
By Webeditor Membership on August 1, 2019 - 6:32am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMember Discount: HOME Bistro and Cafe in Busan

About: HOME Bistro and Cafe: Cozy and modern atmosphere. Full bar with a range of wine, beer, liquor, and vegan food. Live music occasionally. Nearby Haeundae-gu office.
Address: 5, Jungdong 2-ro 26 beon-gil, Haeundae-gu
Phone: 010-7263-1137
KOTESOL News November 2018 Issue Sent!

The November 2018 issue of KOTESOL News was sent on November 1, 2018, to nearly 2,000 subscribers. Learn about the latest KOTESOL happenings and events; read, share, or subscribe here.
By Webeditor Membership on November 1, 2018 - 6:46pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreKOTESOL News 2018 International Conference Edition Sent!

What's happening at the 2018 KOTESOL International Conference? This month's issue of KOTESOL News, sent on October 6, 2018, to nearly 2,000 subscribers, has the low-down! Learn about contests, apps, social events, open hours, and more here.
By Webeditor Membership on October 6, 2018 - 6:23pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreMembership Perk: Discount on the Dark Side of Seoul Ghost Walk

Do you enjoy tales of the macabre, bizarre, or paranormal? Would you like to explore the streets and back alleys surrounding some of Seoul's most historic areas on foot, with an experienced guide? Would you enjoy learning more about the dark side of Seoul's past? If so, this perk is perfect for you! Now through December 31, 2018, KOTESOL members can get 10% off The Dark Side of Seoul Ghost Walk. Just email us to receive the discount code!
By Webeditor Membership on September 16, 2018 - 3:13pm | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read moreSeptember 2018 Issue of KOTESOL News Is Out!

The September 2018 issue of KOTESOL News, our email newsletter, was sent to 1,998 subscribers on September 1, 2018. Highlights include information about pre-registering for the upcoming 2018 KOTESOL International Conference, a call for proposals for the Yongin Chapter Conference in November, a grant opportunity, and a discount for KOTESOL members interested in attending JALT 2018. Read, share, or subscribe here.
By Webeditor Membership on September 1, 2018 - 6:42am | 0 Comments | Membership Committee |Read more