Teaching as Storytelling: Narrative Techniques for Engaging Education

Saturday, June 22, 2024 - 15:00 to 17:30
UCC Center: Downtown Daegu
South Korea

Storytelling is a staple activity of kindergarten classes, but it is often sidelined in the later stages of education as students get older and class contents become more demanding. This is unfortunate, as storytelling can be an effective approach to teaching in any class, from advanced grammar lessons to theoretical lectures. Stories are not only highly engaging for students; they also lend a schematic structure to lesson contents and help to exemplify and clarify difficult concepts. 

The focus of this session is how to incorporate storytelling into lessons to enhance student engagement and comprehension. Attendees will encounter ideas for selecting (or creating) suitable stories for lessons on any topic and fitting them effectively into lesson plans. Also, the presenter will offer suggestions about how to lend a coherent narrative structure to an overall lesson plan, and how teachers can deliver stories in an impactful and entertaining way. 

Stewart Gray (PhD) is a Teaching Fellow in Applied Linguistics at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. Previously, he worked in Korea for 12 years teaching EFL and training teachers. His academic interests include language and identity, creativity in the classroom, and reflective practice. He is a former president of the KOTESOL Yongin chapter. Email: ec