Seoul Chapter 2019 February Workshop

Saturday, February 16, 2019 - 14:30 to 18:00
Sookmyung Women's University Injaegwan #304 Seoul
South Korea

New Year, New You!

Seoul Chapter are celebrating the new academic year by reflecting on our challenges and successes of the last year and looking forward to everything that the new academic year has to offer us!

Come along on February 16th to our home base at Sookmyung Women's University Injaegwan and get ready to challenge yourself for the new academic year to be the best educator you can be!


Registration and mingle: 14:30-15:00

Reflective and discursive section:

Reflection: 15:00-15:25

Recommendations: 15.30-15.55

Problem Shooting: 16.05 – 16.30

Planning: 16.35 – 17.00

Coffee and chat: 17:00 – onwards (at a nearby coffee shop)



Preregistration is available here:


With the new academic year here in Korea ready to kick off at the beginning of next month, this is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the coming year with an eye to make ourselves the best educators we can. This discursive and interactive workshop will focus on 4 different areas:

· Reflection: During the first part of the workshop, participants will be given time to reflect on their previous year; share stories, concerns, and successes.

· Recommendations: Participants will be encouraged to share things which help make them a successful teacher; it could be a classroom activity, application, or management tool.

· Problem Shooting: Participants will partake in a Q and A session where problems or concerns that participants are having with their own settings are posed to the attendees who can then offer support and solutions.

· Planning: The last section will give time for participants to share their plans for the next academic year. Information will also be shared on how to get more involved in our academic community; from presenting to running for a position on the KOTESOL Seoul Chapter committee. We will also be asking for suggestions on how to improve the chapter so it can benefit the community more.

Participants should come prepared to talk! Please bring any questions or concerns you have about your own teaching practice that we can provide support with and even crowd-source suggested solutions. Also please bring any ideas about classroom activities or technology applications that you have found useful and successful, which can then be shared with other attendees. Let’s use this opportunity to ensure everyone has a wonderful academic year!