By Webeditor Publications on September 30, 2012 - 11:22am | Reads | Publications
Publication Date:
October 1, 2000
KOTESOL Proceedings PAC2, 1999
Proceedings of
The Second Pan Asian Conference
Korea TESOL 1999
October 1-3, 1999 Seoul, Korea
Teaching English: Asian Contexts and Cultures
- Learning by Doing: Research and Research Writing (Susan Oak and Rodney E. Tyson)
- Composition Games: An Approach to Composing Directly in L2 (Margaret Orleans)
- No More Copying? Plagiarism Reconsidered, with a View to Reducing It in Student Writing (L. M. Dryden)
- Alleviating Comprehension Problems in Movies (Donna Tatsuki)
- Cultivating Student Independence Using Mind-Maps (Ken Dillon and Wayne K. Johnson)
- Using Graphic Organizers to Advance Intercultural Disclosure and Awareness (Richard Hodge and Wayne K. Johnson)
- Critical Thinking in an East Asian Context (Craig Sower and Wayne K. Johnson)
- A Program for Oral Testing of EFL Students in Korea (David W. Dugas)
- Teaching English Pronunciation to Koreans: Development of an English Pronunciation Test -- EPT (David D.I. Kim and Douglas P. Margolis)
- Teaching Korean Adults North American English Vernacular: Methods and Reasons (P. Wyeth Brooks)
- Explorations Through Video (Jane Hoelker, Suchada Nimmannit and Ian Kakamura)
- An Introductory Cross-Cultural Study Program: Design and Implementation (Linda K. Kadota, Toshihiko Toji, Shinobu Matsui, Hiroko Nishimura & Carol Brandt)
- Needs Analysis of EFL Listening by Taiwanese College Students (Huei-Chun Teng)
- The Task-Based Classroom in Practice (Andrew Finch)
- Talk Is Not Cheap (Thomas S.C. Farrell)
- Speaking in Tongues: Chinglish, Japlish and Konglish (David B. Kent)
- Diffusion of Creative Language Teaching in Asia (David McMurray)
- Editing EFL Manuscripts with Excellence (William Schmidt)
- Proposals to Increase Teaching Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction (Peter Nelson and Jim Gongwer)
- Promoting Intercultural Awareness through Creative Fictional Dramas (Joseph S. Cravotta)
- To Catch the Conscience of the King: Cultural and Social Awareness through Drama (David Carter)