Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL January Chapter Meeting

Saturday, January 12, 2019 - 00:00
광주교육대학교 Gwangju Natl. Univ. of Ed. (교사교육센터/Teacher Training Center)
55 Pilmun-daero Buk-gu
61204 Gwangju , Gwangju Metropolitan City
South Korea
Gwangju Metropolitan City KR
Contact Phone: 
010-5068-9179 (D. Shaffer)

Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter January Meeting

––– Morning Reflective Practice Session –––
Topic: Analyzing Power and Practice in Our Teaching Context
Time: January 12, 2019; 11:00 - 12:30 (2nd Saturday)
Location: Coffee Lab Mujii, near GNUE. (Ground floor of 광주우리교회 Building. Map at bottom.)
Facilitator: Maria Lisak


Time: 2nd Saturday, January 12, 2019, 1:45ㅡ5:00 pm
Location: Gwangju National University of Education (GNUE), Teacher Training Center (교사교육센터) 1st Floor; Room 811. Detailed directions HERE.

1:45 pm: Sign-in and Meet-and-Greet    (Admission: Free for newcomers. Membership welcomed.)

2:00ㅡ2:45 pm: Presentation/Workshop ㅡ Part 1
Game Making: Game Templates to Stimulate Interaction and Involvement in Class
ㅡ Maria Lisak (Chosun University, Gwangju)

2:45ㅡ3:05 pm: Refreshment Break

3:05ㅡ3:50 pm: Presentation/Workshop ㅡ Part 2
Game Making

4:00ㅡ4:30 pm Presentation
Making Writing Fun

ㅡ Peter Lucarotti (Jeollanamdo International Education Institute, Yeosu)

4:30ㅡ4:45 pm: Swap-Shop Presentations
Share your Teaching Ideas, Classroom Activities, and Teaching Wisdom with the group.
(Everyone is encouraged to share [up to 5-6 min. each]. Short tidbits are welcomed. Handouts also welcomed.)

4:45 - 5:00 pm: Announcements / Drawing for Door Prizes / Closing

Session Summaries

Game Making: Game Templates to Stimulate Interaction and Involvement in Class

What’s in your game-making teacher’s bag? This interactive workshop will share some of Thiagi's most famous "framegames" for participants to design their own games for class. "A framegame is a generic game shell or template. It allows you to plug in new content and create a new game ㅡ instantly!" (From Framegames by Thiagi, p. 1). Using a game template lets you include your class tasks and goal content while increasing involvement of participants to achieve the learning tasks with certainty as Thiagi’s games are time-tested. This workshop offers a chance to participate in some games and then use these instructional tools to set up games for your own classrooms at school and work. Participants will be able to make a game within 10 minutes and learn dozens of ways to customize it to their classroom.

Thiagarajan, S. (2004). Framegames by Thiagi. Bloomington, IN: Workshops by Thaigi.

The Presenter

Maria Lisak (
MSEd) likes to create safe environments to encourage and support learners as they risk-take and grow. Her instructional designs are dynamic, energetic, and lively but also have meditative and reflective components. By thoughtfully listening to learners’ framing of their own learning process, she focuses on authenticity and transformation while fostering a fun, cathartic adventure for them to develop new skills. Change in the classroom, she feels, is a constant to be embraced and celebrated. More at:

Making Writing Fun

Despite the many benefits that writing has for language learners, the reality is that many students see writing as a chore. As a result, getting students to participate in a writing activity can be like pulling teeth. In this quick 25-minute session, we’ll take a look at a number of engaging writing activities that you can include in your lessons. We’ll start with word-level writing as a jumping-off point before scaffolding up through sentence-, paragraph-, and eventually essay-level writing. Attendees are encouraged to bring and share any writing activities that they use in their own classroom as well as any advice on how they motivate students to write.

The Presenter

Peter Lucarotti

Originally from the East Coast of Canada, Peter studied journalism and worked as a sportswriter in his home country before coming to South Korea in 2010. He spent seven years teaching at Boseong Girls Middle School and recently began work as a teacher trainer at the Jeollanamdo International Education Institute in Yeosu. In nearly six months on the job, he has developed a writing curriculum for both elementary and secondary teachers and has also taught a variety of other programs, including the JLP summer and fall orientations.
Photo: The Gwangju National University of Education (GNUE / 광주교육대학교), Teacher Training Center (교사교육센터), venue for our main meeting ㅡ 1st floor, Room 811.