The Dual-Purpose Initiative Mission Statement

             The Dual-Purpose Initiative Mission Statement

Often prospective members and even those already involved in KOTESOL, are uncertain if the organization is truly beneficial. After all, most expat educators are unable to access tenure, which offers significant job security and prestige, or access the type of promotions and career progression available to them in their home country. On the other hand, after years of living abroad, educators who intend to return home may find themselves passed over or overlooked because they are viewed as having been out of the Ivory Tower for too long. These educators find themselves asking, What value does membership offer?

BG KOTESOL’s new project The Dual-Purpose Initiative is designed to address these two fraternal issues that expat educators encounter and which may discourage them from joining a venerable professional development organization such as KOTESOL because it is viewed as non-value-added. In 2025, the chapter will craft workshops and presentations to support these two dueling conundrums and the educators who struggle with them. 

Track 1

Despite the many reasons to join a professional organization, BG KOTESOL chapter leadership recognizes that interest has waned and membership stalled, especially after Covid. We surmise that one of the causes stems from expat educators on 1-year contracts. They doubt the value of membership. Their hagwon and foreign language lecturer positions may seem like dead-end jobs. BG KOTESOL would like to address this issue with workshops and presentations designed to tackle this unique issue. Providing insights and supports to make seemingly lame-duck jobs more appealing. Members will discover ways and methods to enhance their work experience as they build their lives in South Korea.

Track 2

In the immortal words of the British punk band The Clash, Should I stay or should I go? Many expat educators ask themselves this very question at the end of their first contract. Those who choose to stay, short or long term, begin to look around for ways to advance. They explore visas to give themselves broader employment options. They look into obtaining their masters or PhD. Most inevitably discover KOTESOL. But then they decide it’s time for their sojourn in S. Korea to end, to return home. For those who intend to return to their country, The Dual-Purpose Initiative provides workshops and presentations focused on developing skills and methodologies aimed at reentering the education field in a member’s respective home country, unlocking valuable tenure tracks and promotions.


 The Dual-Purpose Initiative is a professional development program designed to assist two types of BG KOTESOL member. Stream one focuses on professional development for non-tenure track educators planning to reside in Korea long term who wish for more fulfillment from their careers and stream two focuses on professional development for educators who plan to return home and want to develop skills and make connections that will support them on the next steps of their professional journey. 

The Dual-Purpose Initiative is an ambitious project that will launch in 2025 but that we hope will continue to grow into the future as current and new members discover its value.


Assistant Professor & Foreign Language Lecturer

Gyeongsang National University
