Our monthly workshop for May will feature a presentation on Multiple Intelligences by Ted Mishler. Dr. Howard Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard University, developed the theory of multiple intelligences in 1983, and many books and articles have been written on how, and what, to teach in the M.I. classroom. Unfortunately, there is not that much literature available on the ESL classroom, but there are many exercises and activities that can be done in the ESL classroom, based on each of the intelligences in Dr. Gardner’s theory, and in this presentation Ted will show where the ESL teacher can start if he/she decides to incorporate M.I. into the classroom. "I have been sharing my ideas of M.I. in the ESL classroom for a while now, and hope that you learn something new and incorporate some of what you learned or liked in your classroom."
Ted Mishler is originally from Miami. He has a Masters in history from Middlebury College, has been in Korea since July, 2000 and has been a professor at Yeoungnam University since March, 2009. Prior to that, he was a professor at Hanseo University for 6 years and at YBL Polytechnic University in Hungary for 1 year. Besides teaching English classes at Y.U., he also teaches a non-credit Italian language class. He first became interested in multiple intelligences while teaching at Hanseo, and went to Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2008.
Everyone welcome, please feel free to invite your friends or colleagues to join us as well. Drinks and snacks are provided and some of the members usually meet for dinner after the workshop.