Call for Papers: 2014 KOTESOL International Conference

2014 KOTESOL International Conference
"Embracing Change: Blazing New Frontiers Through ELT"
October 3-5: COEX, Seoul, South Korea

This year's conference will feature four strands:

  • Young Learners
  • Assessment and Evaluation
  • Business English
  • Professional Development

An overarching theme for the conference is embracing creativity. We are looking for presentations, panels, or other sessions that discuss and share new, creative, or unique experiences and observations regarding teaching English as a foreign language. Proposals that meet the criteria listed below will be given preference for the limited number of slots. Individuals may not submit more than two proposals.

The vetting team will be instructed to give preference to proposals which: highlight a creative idea for teaching English as a foreign language, fit one of the four strands, give a clear understanding of what attendees can expect, and offer practical suggestions/tips/lesson ideas to EFL teachers. Proposals containing large amounts of academic language and jargon will not be given preference.

Call for papers ends May 31, 2014. Please send questions or feedback to

The Early Bird Submission deadline for the Call for Papers is Saturday, March 22nd, 2014.   
Those who submit presentation papers during the Early Bird Submission period, and are accepted, receive the Early Bird Submission presentation fee of 50,000 won. Those who submit Call for Papers proposals between March 23rd and May 31st will be subject to the 60,000 won presenter fee.

Please be aware that presenters at the KOTESOL International Conference must be KOTESOL members at the time of the conference.  If you are not already a member, you may purchase a membership when you register for the confernence.


Given name first. Family name last. (Examples: John Smith or Sung-Ju Kang) **Up to two co-presenters may be added here. If so, please use a comma to space the names**
The place you work or school you attend. This will also appear on your conference badge. This is optional and you may leave it blank.
What telephone number may we contact you at? Ex 82-10-5555-7777
We realize not all sessions fit into the four choices we have outlined below so we will also consider "outside the box" sessions. Please type your idea into the "Other" field and choose 20 or 45 minutes (for scheduling purposes). **The 3-minute idea option is something new we are trying this year. Your topic must fit into one of the four strands and the presenter cannot include more than three presentation slides (if you choose to use visuals).**
If you selected "Other" for your session type, please succinctly explain what you envision.
Preference will be given to proposals that fit into one of the four strands below. If your proposal embraces creativity in ELT but does not fit into one of the four strands, please type the topic into the "Other" field.
If "Other" was selected for your proposal strand, please type a topic for your proposal.
The title should accurately reflect the content of the presentation, be clear to the intended audience, and contain no more than 8 words.
The abstract will not be used for vetting but will be printed in the Conference Program and will be used to help conference participants decide whether to attend your presentation. The abstract should: be 70 words or less, be written in the third-person future tense (e.g. "The presenter will show...and he/she..."), avoid all references to published works, be carefully edited and proofread, state the intended audience, spell out any acronyms or abbreviations used in the title, and tell participants what will happen in the presentation.
The summary is used to decide which proposals get accepted. Only the conference vetting team will see the summary. It will not be printed in the Conference Program. The summary should: not exceed 250 words (proposals with summaries longer than 250 words will not be accepted), have a clearly stated purpose, describe what will happen during the presentation and how participants will benefit, show an appropriate amount of material for the allotted time, and be carefully edited and proofread.
Please check boxes indicating times that you would NOT be able to present.