Call for Conference Papers!

Venue: Sookmyung Women's University

Research: 25 min
Workshop: 45 min
First timer’s takeaway: 10 min (sharing of teaching experience or tips of teaching)

Opening: December 1, 2017
Closing: March 4, 2018

Format: All proposals must include a title with description of the workshop/research/takeaway at least 250 words in length.

Biographical information (with cell phone number, email address, and passport size photo) in not more than 70 words should also be included. Your proposal and bio should be written in Times Roman 12, single space and should fit together on ONE A4 page in *.*.doc format (Microsoft Word 2010 or earlier version).

Please download the abstract and bio template on the link below and submit your proposal to Dr. Ramos' email address.

Also, the conference poster can be downloaded below and share this to your colleagues.

For conference committee membership application, please write your name on the link below. Benefits are the following: a) certificate of recognition, b) volunteer certificate, and c) free
presentation fee.

Pre-online registration opens on Feb. 12 and ends on March 30. To pre-register, click here
On-site registration is also available during the conference.
Conference fees:
KOTESOL Members/Undergraduate Students: 10,000 won (Students must show ID)
Non-members: 20,000 won

Contact: Dr. Ian Done D. Ramos

Attached PDFs: