2024 Nominations and Elections


If you have been debating about running for office there is still time to get involved. Officers put time, energy, and passion into organizing and managing professional development events and opportunities for educators across the country. The duties of being an elected officer require a good bit of effort and work, but there are a number of advantages to holding an office. In the process of helping other teachers with self-development, our officers gain access to opportunities that naturally arise from being in office and collaborating with others. As an officer, they are more aware of events being held in the different chapters across the country and can take full advantage of all that KOTESOL has to offer.

Taking on a role in the organization allows officers to develop and enhance their leadership, communication, and teamwork skills. They also strengthen their resumes and CVs by serving as leaders within a professional organization. Officers are often invited to present, lead workshops, and speak at events, which adds to their list of accomplishments. Additionally, officers grow their network of connections, forming relationships with future work colleagues, research partners, and friends.

Please go to our Nominations and Elections page,, to see duties of elected officers, qualifications needed to run for office, campaigning, and voting information. You can also find links to nomination procedures, see the most up to date list of candidates, and documents of official candidates.