Booths & Vendors Preview

Don't miss these great booths and vendors at the conference!

* This is an initial list only; please check back as the conference draws closer!


Help Desk
Got a question? Ask it here! This is also where you can get a free parking coupon, good for a discount on the venue's parking garage. (See also the conference FAQ)

KOTESOL Membership Desk
Purchase KOTESOL merchandise as a gift or souvenir (cash only), buy tickets to The Social @KOTESOL2024 (limited supply), or pick up free KOTESOL promotional items here!

KOTESOL Members Booth

Collective Joy Consulting
We have brochures for seminars in nonviolent communication, global communication coaching, classes in conflict transformation in English and services offered by our organization.

HELP! Educator Consulting, Coaching, and Mentorship
A Yongin-KOTESOL pilot project. A service initiative to help English educators grow more confidently in their work, life, and future in Korea. “Teachers Helping Teachers'' in action!

ZSJ Silks
Hand-dyed machine washable wearable works of art in silk, cotton, and bamboo.

ZSJ Sweet Treats
Delicious homemade non-GMO/organic cookies & cakes

Booths from Our Sponsors



Hawaiʻi Pacific University 

Sookmyung Women's University TESOL

University of Birmingham

University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University