Busan Workshop: Writing for publication in TEFL/TESL

Saturday, May 11, 2013 - 14:00 to 17:00
Pusan University of Foreign Studies Busan
South Korea

Busan Chapter is pleased to invite you to the workshop "Writing for publication in TEFL/TESL: Negotiating the language of the discipline" by Theron Muller. This workshop is co-sponsored with the KOTESOL Research SIG.

Note that this same workshop will be repeated in Seoul on Sunday with a 10,000won admission fee, but it is free for members in Busan! (Your Busan Chapter membership dues at work.)
Non-members, 10,000won registration fee will be collected at the door.

See more about Professor Muller and the details of the workshop here.

Venue:  Room 201 of the "Lab" building at Busan University of Foreign Studies. See details on our Special Events Venue page. This is not the regular chapter meeting venue.

Schedule: 2-5pm.

If you have any difficulty finding the event, or getting the cab driver to go where you want him/her to, please contact our chapter president (Brad) at  010-2717-1402 , he’ll be happy to give you directions or talk to the cabbie for you.