"Why should I do it? Why should I care? The twin issues of teacher and student motivation" Jeju Chapter Workshop

Saturday, July 6, 2013 - 15:00 to 17:00
Seogwipo Foreign Language Center (서귀포외국어학습센터)
South Korea
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Why should I do it? Why should I care?

The twin issues of teacher and student motivation. 

On Saturday, July 6th from 3-5, Mr Bradley Serl, (Busan Chapter President and lecturer at Pusan University of Foreign Studies Teacher Training Program), will be presenting "Why should I do it? Why should I care? The twin issues of teacher and student motivation"

The Jeju Chapter will provide light refreshments and the opportunity to meet/network with other teachers on Jeju-do.



The 5.16 bus will get you down there. Get off at the main rotary (if you took the bus over the mountain, you'll be dropped off in front of the Paris Baguette; if went the coastal road route you will be dropped off near a Kimbab Heaven restaurant). Head towards Homeplus. You want to be on the same side as Homeplus, which is on the right. You will go up the road for two or three blocks. You will pass the Seogwipo Jungang Girls Middle School and Seogwipo Boys High School. After the high school, turn right onto the next road (there is a GS25 on the corner). Go straight. The road splits into three ways, take the middle road. This will lead you to the government buildings. The Foreign Language Center is the first building on your right.