Tech Briefs submission form - Contributions welcome!

Contribute to "Tech Briefs" - Your Insights Matter!

Do you have a favorite tech tool, website, or online resource that has transformed your teaching or learning experience? We'd love to hear from you! Use this form to share a brief overview of your go-to technology. After being reviewed, your insights will be featured in their own "Tech Briefs" page!

We appreciate every submission. If your contribution is selected for publication, we'll reach out to you with the details of when and where it will be showcased. We will consult you for about any necessary revisions before publishing.

If you have a longer article or an in-depth review, we're excited to read it! Please feel free to contact us directly.

Name of the tool, website, or online resource you're reviewing (NOT the URL).
What is the web address (URL) of the tool/site/resource you're reviewing?
Provide a general overview of the tool/site/resource. What is it? What does it do? How can teachers use it? (100 words max.)
What do you like about this tool/site/resource? List its good points, benefits, or advantages.
What do you NOT like about this tool/site/resource? List its drawbacks.
Write your conclusions about this tool: Do its advantages outweigh its disadvantages? How do you use it in your own classroom? What kind of teachers might like it? Any final words of wisdom or caution? (100 words max.)
Write your name as you would like it to appear in your author credit line.
Please provide a valid email address so we can contact you.
Write a brief biographical blurb about yourself (approx. 2-3 sentences, or about 50 words).