In Memory of Mitzi Kaufman

Mitzi Kaufman: A Legacy of Bravery, Advocacy, and Unwavering Selflessness

On January 11, 2019, Korea TESOL (KOTESOL) lost a prominent member and leader. Mitzi Sarah Kaufman passed away in Daejeon, South Korea. She was a dear friend, a loyal ally, and a passionate teacher to many students and fellow educators. Mitzi truly believed in the power of education as an agent for social change.

Mitzi, a member of the Daejeon-Chungcheong Chapter, has left a lasting impact on KOTESOL at both the national and local levels. Her friends and colleagues remember her for her courageous spirit, her strong moral character, and her seemingly infinite ability to show unconditional love for others. Her long list of accolades underscores these sentiments, highlighting how KOTESOL has benefited greatly from her passion and presence.

At KOTESOL’s 2017 flagship professional development event, the annual Korea TESOL International Conference, Mitzi worked diligently to create an inclusive space for its 800 attendees. Knowing that participants often receive a high volume of information on logistics and workshops, she predicted that budding teachers and first-time conference-goers alike could get lost among a sea of longtime, seasoned educators. As a result, she put her talents for event planning and community organizing to work, and created what has now become an annual session at this large-scale conference: the Korea TESOL International Conference Orientation.

In 2018, Mitzi also infused KOTESOL’s Social Justice Special Interest Group (SJ-SIG) with a tidal wave of transformative energy. She gave her whole self to the SIG, providing thoughtful academic discourse on social justice, wise insights on promoting inclusiveness, and her characteristic big heart and open arms for all perspectives. Mitzi quickly became a driving force behind the SJ-SIG, offering an enlightened vision during the group’s mission statement revision project. Thanks largely to the energy she poured into it, the SJ-SIG’s guiding principles now include more comprehensive language on advocacy and community-building.

Later in the year, she went on to inspire numerous conference threads and sessions focused on LGBTQQIPAA themes. This is a cause that was very near and dear to her. She recognized that many teachers in Korea struggle to navigate this topic in their schools due to cultural taboos that center on sexuality and identity. In response, she committed herself to many tireless endeavors throughout the country and laid down the important groundwork for creating a network of support resources and organizations for both students and educators. As discussions on diversity and queer issues become increasingly prominent in Korean schools, Mitzi’s trailblazing efforts will undoubtedly serve to promote visibility, awareness, and inclusion of this historically marginalized population.

All throughout 2018, Mitzi inspired others through her public displays of activism. She spearheaded countless projects and initiatives, including a presentation on queer allyship at the Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter conference in March; regular Facebook posts on the SJ-SIG to promote Pride festivals around South Korea throughout the year; formation of a panel to discuss LGBTQQIPAA topics at the 2018 International Conference in October; and lastly, a special poster session on social justice issues that fostered community interaction at the Daejeon-Chungcheong Thanksgiving Symposium in November.

On a more personal note, Maria Lisak, one of the coordinators of the Social Justice SIG, shares that Mitzi’s attention to detail and her willingness to listen and ask respectful probing questions influenced Maria to unlearn some of her own unwittingly less-than-inclusive actions and words. “Mitzi helped me see things I didn’t know existed. She punctured my privileged-stance without making me defensive. She saw things in me that I could not see myself. These are the gifts and legacies that I will continue to practice. I will always be able to call upon my memories of Mitzi to sustain me in tough times.”

Jocelyn Wright, another Social Justice SIG facilitator, saw Mitzi as a valuable addition to the SJ-SIG committee and notes that her presence will be greatly missed. For her, “Mitzi was catchingly enthusiastic and incredibly driven. In a short space of time, she managed to unite many people of different backgrounds and orientations around notable causes because not only did she have a human rights values-based vision, which she personally put into practice, but she also had a talent for connecting people and encouraging them to work together towards goals.”

Beyond KOTESOL, Mitzi’s closest friends fondly remember active interest she took in their life dreams and well-being. She never failed to make the person she was speaking to, regardless of the amount of time she had known them, feel like the most important person in the room with her continuous interest in listening to their stories. She would then quip with her razor sharp wit and offer advice when asked for it. She greeted everyone she spoke to as if they were a longtime friend, even those whom she had only recently met. Her words and talents made every person around her feel visible, valued, and loved.

Since her passing, Mitzi’s loved ones have created a virtual space to share their thoughts and memories with her. The For Mitzi Kaufman Facebook Memorial Page reveals stories from the many communities she intersected. The space has allowed many people to post touching eulogies about Mitzi’s public discourse on the various causes she held closest to her heart. Others have shared personal conversations and letters that she penned to show her support for them, whether they were celebrating exciting life events or working through challenging personal struggles. These testimonials demonstrate Mitzi’s nimbleness and determination to build bridges between organizations and people. Her friends recognize that working among these many groups in the expatriate and Korean communities is sometimes like “herding cats.” In spite of it, those fortunate enough to cross paths with her will always admire Mitzi’s perseverance and sense of diligence.

While Mitzi’s contributions to KOTESOL were remarkable, they are only a fragment of what she gave to the wider community. She leaves behind an accomplished career in English teaching, having worked in public schools in and around the Los Angeles area, as well as in Korea’s highest levels of business and tertiary education. Students deeply appreciated not only her role as a guide and mentor in the classroom but also her unwavering support as a friend and advocate. She touched countless lives and hearts not just within the KOTESOL network but also in so many groups and institutions in South Korea and beyond.

There may never come along another person quite like Mitzi. Her legacy is one of kindness, bravery, and perseverance. These inspiring characteristics will continue to be guiding principles behind SJ-SIG’s crucial advocacy efforts. KOTESOL pledges to honor Mitzi Kaufman with a determination to continue working toward her vision. We will promote visibility to all students and educators from all communities, backgrounds, and walks of life. Mitzi’s determination and spirit shall forever live on in our organization’s mission and efforts.

May Mitzi Kaufman’s memory be a blessing to all of her family, friends, students, and colleagues.


Memorial Service
January 26 (Sat.), 2:00 p.m., Woosong University (Bldg. W16, Floor 5), Daejeon.
Hosted by KOTESOL.

Memorial service details are available HERE.

Post-memorial thank-yous HERE.