Jeonju-North Jeolla KOTESOL December 2019 Workshop

Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 14:45 to 17:00
Jeonju University Star Center Room 201
South Korea
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Personalisation and the Self

As teachers, it’s difficult to keep content relevant and motivating to learners. It is also hard to predict what learners will find interesting. Personalisation can help to make learning more meaningful without isolating or disregarding a learner’s interests. However, what happens when those learners haven’t confronted their own interests or haven’t had the space to, with endless exams and achievement targets?

In this workshop we will discuss how learners can explore their sense of ‘self’ and how they can apply this knowledge to enrich their learning and create a catalyst for intrinsic motivation.


Rachel Barker is a teacher trainer at Chonbuk National University and has been living in Jeonju for just over a year, but in Korea on and off for the past 10 years. She has also taught university in Thailand and Malaysia and Elementary students in Myanmar and Changwon, South Korea.

Rachel’s teaching interests centre around motivation and the self, as well as cross curricular teaching. She is particularly enthusiastic about STEM involvement in English learning as well as social and emotional education.



Using Dr. Seuss to help Build Fluency

Dr Seuss is an American children’s author, who used his books to talk about relevant social issues that occur worldwide. I use “the Sneeches” to help the students talk about racism. This is a hot topic throughout the world and can be a touchy one for students to talk about. In “The Sneeches” the students feel comfortable expressing their opinions, because these are made up characters. Because of their comfort level with this topic, the students open up and have good conversations about the “rightness” of being Star-Belly Sneetches, which have “bellies with stars.” and “The Plain-Belly Sneetches {that} had none upon thars”. This workshop is intended for all teachers and can be adapted to your students’ age and speaking level.


Terri Beadle is an Assistant Professor at Woosong University in Daejeon, South Korea. She has previously taught at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey and Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. Ms. Beadle has her MA in TESOL from Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, MI and took graduate classes in Literacy from Grand Valley State University in Allendale, MI. Within the Literacy classes, Ms. Beadle’s main focus was using pop culture and pop literature to help students improve their reading, in recent years she has taken this one step further to include ways to help students become comfortable with speaking which in turn helps them to become more fluent.