The International Community Meet Up: A Successful Experience to Encourage Collaboration and Networking Among ELT Professionals

Publication Date: 
October 16, 2019

The 27th International KOTESOL Conference, the largest ELT conference in Korea, served domestic and international attendees providing professional development and a community of practice. With international attendees from Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, China, Far Eastern Russia, Philippines, US, and more as well as partner collaboration and representation with many of these countries' ELT affiliates.

The International Community Meet Up was a success to collaborate and share needs and network. Although fantastic turnout, the nature of the Meet Up session was dynamic and individuals broke off into pods with specific collaborative objectives in the KOTESOL Cafe and it was difficult to hold a 'critical mass' in the Meet Up corner tables. Small number in pics, but successful event. Linking those across the globe in one location for whatever their needs are.

Dr. Rod Ellis during his Saturday Opening Plenary

Dr. Andrew Cohen during his Sunday plenary