From Suwon Station to Kangnam University, via Bundang Line and Yongin Everline Train

  • Folks, anyone traveling from Seoul or other areas of Korea by KTX, Muganghwa, Saemaul, Noriro, or Subway Line 1 can transfer to the Bundang Line to Giheung Station.
  • From Gihueng Station, go to Exit 4 to the Yongin Everline Train to Kangnam University Station.
  • As soon as you get off at Kangnam University Station at Exit 1 or Exit 2, the front entrance is directly across from the station. After you go through the arch at the entrance, you can go to either the Shallomkwon Building or the Insakwon Building for any Gyeonggi-Yongin Chapter conferernce or workshop!
  •  If you have any questions, contact Robert Kim at 010-8354-2627 or at